Tuesday, October 10, 2023

hamas is using rape as warfare; feminazis support it

By Jerry PDX
tuesday, october 10, 2023 at 6:08:00 p.m. edt

Monica Obsorne, Editor at large at the Jewish Journal asks the question: Hamas Is Reportedly Using Rape as Warfare. Where Are the Feminists?


It’s a very good question, the silence of Western feminists is deafening but Osborn sidesteps a big part of the truth. The closest she gets is this:

“It turns out that it’s not rape these orgs care about; it’s who is being raped, and whether these women meet their ideological criteria for qualifying as victims”

Yes, that’s part of it, but it's also that Western feminists have been protecting moslem and african rapists since forever. They only want White perps to focus on. They downplay or ignore black and brown rapists, and even cover for them. Ms. Osborne should have stated that directly, because I think on some level she knows. She just didn't have the guts to state it.

N.S.: Feminazis are political whores who do not care at all about girls or women. They especially love terrorizing innocent White men. feminazi ideologue Catherine MacKinnon wrote in 1990 in the new york times, on the occasion of the Patricia Bowman-William Kennedy Smith case, that railroading innocent men on fake rape charges was essential, in order to compensate for all of the guilty men who had gotten away with rape since the beginning of time.

In 2000, when blacks ran wild during the puerto rican day parade, attacking White women, two or three held down a french woman and manually raped her, while their accomplices forced her husband to watch. The only reason the public heard of the crime was because someone videotaped it. Rudy Giuliani’s nypd and da Robert Morgenthau made no effort to bring in the rapists. feminazis heard that the majority of the cops on duty were White, and so they limited their outrage to the White cops, refrained from criticizing the black rapists, and completely forgot about the rape.

(Of course, had the White cops cracked down on the black rapists, the feminazis would also have condemned them for “racism.”)

“Central Park II: It’s about Race, Stupid”: Part I;

“All They Did was Rob White Women, Grope Them, Rip Their Clothes Off, and Manually Rape Them; What’s the Big Deal? (Central Park II, Part Two)”;

“Feminists Protest the Central Park Attacks! Central Park II, Part Three”;

“More on Feminists’ Response to the Central Park Attacks”: Central Park II, Part Four;

“Gettin’ Paid”: Central Park II, Part Five;

“The Cops Did It!” Central Park II, Part Six;

“Rudy Did It!” Central Park II, Part Seven; and

“Racial Profiling, Turned Upside Down: Central Park II, Part Eight.”

In 2006-2007, Duke university feminazis staged the Duke rape hoax, and sought to have three innocent White men railroaded (and eventually murdered in prison by their black allies) for a non-existent rape, all because they learned that the rape hoaxer, Crystal Gail Mangum, was a black prostitute and career criminal.

“Nicholas Stix’ Absolutely Definitive Account of the Incredible, Disappearing, Duke Rape Hoax.”

In 2014-2015, feminazis at the university of Virginia, with the support of feminazi college president Theresa Sullivan, and on the word of hoaxer Jackie Coakley, staged a rape hoax and a night of broken glass. While Theresa Sullivan ordered the campus police to stand down, her feminazi “student” followers attacked a White fraternity, and smashed its windows for … nothing.

“Who are Lauren Leydon-Hardy and Yoona Ha, and Why You Need to Know.” About two northwestern university rape hoaxers, who destroyed the life of an innocent White man.

feminazis have perpetrated so many campus rape hoaxes that entire books have been devoted to them.


Anonymous said...

The women need to perform "bobbit surgery" on the rapists.Slice and dice,razor surprise,bite and discard.


Anonymous said...

"feminazis support it"

Could you name one "feminazi", and provide evidence this person "supports" rape?

Just one.

You say "feminazis", plural, but just one name plus evidence for that one person will do.

Anonymous said...

Silence is complicity. They used to say that a lot during the Vietnam War era. Well now we know they are complicit in rape too great news now we know what they are always about and have been about for a long time. They can hardly deny any of it now

Anonymous said...

Jerry pdx
It's hyperbole, you know, like when woke/blacks say: "white silence is white violence" or other such.
Sarcastically hitting back at them with their own verbal games.
Except when we do it, there's truth behind it
Feminist, most of them, don't care about sexual violence against women unless "caring" serves their other agendas. Prime example is the way they focus on white males and downplay or even protect black or Moslem ones
Don't you remember the cases (reported here on nsu) of White women refusing to report rapefugees?
Those are just the cases that got found out other ways, how many do we not know about?
That mentality is not atypical with woke females, especially feminist ones.