Monday, February 06, 2023

The Gutless Obsolete Party and Martin Luther King Jr.

[Re: “In the fight against wokeness, the right really has no choice but to decanonize [Martin] King.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, february 6, 2023 at 8:49:00 p.m. est

One man’s opinion. As far as taking sainthood away from mlk, the right would first have to decanonize george floyd—and they can’t even do that.

Is there EVEN a right anymore? Answer that one in the affirmative and we can venture into other areas of conversation—that, I believe, blacks will not allow to be tampered with—anyways.

An authentic right wing OF THE GOP (not just fiscally, but politically), would have already voted against Juneteenth Day. They wouldn’t be afraid of negroes’ shadows lurking about. Instead, the GOP (Gutless Obsolete Party), seems satisfied to have the country—and themselves—right where they are.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unseal the FBI file on Doctor KKKing. Play those FBI takes for all to hear.