Tuesday, February 07, 2023

hobby lobby and other “conservative” Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal aliens and lgbtq agenda…

tue, Feb 7, 2023 9:03 p.m.

hobby lobby and other "conservative" Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal migrants and lgbtq agenda…


They'll end up like the United (sic) Methodist Church.

Which has imploded recently due to its idiotic support of the QWERTY agenda.  Excuse me, queer agenda.

You know what's fast growing?

Roman Catholic masses in Latin.


Anonymous said...

This isn't the same Jesus(God)who was so disgusted by man's behavior--that he flooded the planet--to kill everyone but Noah and kin.

I think today he would just aim a gigantic meteor at us--"no more
second chances in letting these bastards procreate their way to a fully populated planet of debauchery and sinful behavior again--worse in 2023 --than pre-flood olden times."


Anonymous said...

Evangelicals love illegals. More souls to save and fill church coffers with donations.

No room at the inn for JESUS and all that from the Bible.