Sunday, February 05, 2023

ai is woke

sun, feb 5, 2023 9:14 p.m.

ai is woke


N.S.: But if you're black, it's fine.


Anonymous said...

The "bomb" doesn't care.It's programmed with a "racist slur",so we must assume,the person(s)who created the bomb had a sense of humor.
If you say "nigg*r" or "crack*r" in a forest,does anyone hear you say it?

YEAH,the bomb does!

The hypothetical scenario tries to make us assume the racist word is "nigg*r,"but it doesn't have to be.

Actually,the more often you say a word,the less "offensive" it becomes--e.g.:"fu*k"--which everybody says now without much shyness.

It's just a word,as it turns out.Now blacks,on the other hand have attempted to make saying "nigg*r" a sacrilege--similar to Mohammed's likeness being forbidden.



Anonymous said...

As usual, they never tell you what the racial hate slur is. Numbskull they must be thinking of. You are just supposed to know what the word is!