Thursday, May 05, 2022

what went wrong with black cop-killer Antonio Andrews? an old school acquaintance writes

[Re: “St. Louis Cop Killer Antonio Andrews: Another Innocent Young Black Man Railroaded by a Racist Criminal Justice System?”]

By Anonymous
Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 3:45:00 P.M. EDT

I went to school with Antonio when we were kids. I wish things turned out different for him. He was a sweet kid that was from the hood. His environment made it easier for people to judge his character without knowing him. We went to a good school district in the county and he had good opportunities in front of him. He was well loved and had a lot of friends. It’s not my place to say if he is guilty or not. I hate that there was loss of life. Just sad that the person I knew then would have never done something like this. I remember when we heard about it at school, everyone was in shock. Word on the street was he didn’t do it and was covering for someone. If true I guess he didn’t know the true loss of life that would come with that sentence once convicted. Sorry for the officer’s loss of life and Antonio’s. I’m not the one to judge. Just speaking from a perspective of a person that once knew him. Sad for both families overall.


Anonymous said...

A few points:
"Sweet kids" don't murder cops.

By "not judging" someone,you wind up approving and condoning the crime--and that perp's actions.

Any philosophy that excuses black crime is a hopeless exercise,motivated by hatred of Whites and White law(which punishes crime.)blacks cannot change the anarchy--which describes their neighborhoods--unless they start pointing fingers and condemning black crime--AND get behind more prison time for black felons.


Anonymous said...

Andrei, Lee-otis, Lemuel, Antoine, Demetrius never did nuttin' to no one not no way no how.

I can hear it all now.

"My baby ain't killed nobody. Tyreese he ain't nebbers gibs me no trouble. Tyreese ain't nebber owned him no gun. Tyreese said these three dudes was messin' with him.