Thursday, May 05, 2022

black lesbian to succeed Psaki as white house press secretary May 15th

the only differences are that Karine Jean-Pierre is much prettier than Jen Psaki, and Jean-Pierre will play the race and lesbian cards, if she gets any non-softball questions

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 6:54:00 P.M. EDT

(nytimes) WASHINGTON — President Biden on Thursday selected Karine Jean-Pierre, the principal deputy press secretary, to replace Jen Psaki as the top White House spokeswoman, making her the first black woman to hold one of the most high-profile jobs in American politics.

[GRA: Whoop-de-effin’ doo doo.]

Ms. Jean-Pierre, who worked on Mr. Biden’s campaign and has had a long career in Democratic communications, will become the president’s second White House press secretary and will deliver daily briefings from the lectern in the briefing room.

In a statement, Mr. Biden said she “not only brings the experience, talent and integrity needed for this difficult job, but she will continue to lead the way in communicating about the work of the Biden-Harris administration on behalf of the American people.”

He predicted that she would be “a strong voice speaking for me and this administration.”

Ms. Jean-Pierre, who is in her 40s, will take over for Ms. Psaki, who is leaving the administration and is expected to take an on-air role with msnbc.

GRA: She’s open about being queer, but won't disclose her age (chuckle). Psaki on msnbc? Why not—why should the commies be secretive about their desire to propagandize the airways? Anyways, Jean-Pierre will have a no-stress job with the (mostly) commie press corps.


Jen Psaki

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"She’s open about being queer, but won't disclose her age (chuckle)."

Being queer and openly admitting you are so evidently a big PLUS to being hired nowadays.