Sunday, July 18, 2021

Breaking News Alert: Jacob deGrom Goes on IL

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <>
Sent: Sun, Jul 18, 2021 12:49 p.m.

Breaking: Jacob deGrom Goes on IL

<font size="5"><span style="font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;">New York Post - News Alerts</span></font>
Jacob deGrom won't be throwing within the next few days, which left the Mets with little choice Sunday than to place him on the 10-day injured list.
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'Frustrated' Jacob deGrom goes on IL in major Mets concern
Jacob deGrom won't be throwing within the next few days, which left the Mets with little choice Sunday than to place him on the 10-day injured list.
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Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
What do you prefer? Light skinned black women or dark skinned ones? Apparently Hollywood prefers the light skinned do I (if forced to choose that is):

You know what? I'm going to use the derogatory labels blacks use for light and dark skinned blacks, as employed by Spike Lee in his movie "School Daze".

For once I actually kind of agree with one of these White race guilt articles we get bombarded with daily. I've noticed that when you see jigaboos (dark skinned blacks) with black women on TV, it's almost always wannabes (light skinned ones) instead of jigaboos. In general, when it comes to female actresses you do see way more wannabes than jigaboos in TV and movies and it's clear that there is a preference for that look. People will claim it's racist but I'm of the opinion that light skinned blacks with more Caucasian blood do tend to be more physically attractive. The less negro ancestry, the more likely you are to have appealing features, especially when you're in a country where most people are White (at least right now), so while a bias may exist, maybe it's not "racist" but an unspoken understanding of what is more likely to appeal to the demographic with the most wealth.

It appears most black men would agree because they tend to favor lighter skinned women and 99% of the time if they could get a Nordic blonde over a jigaboo or wannabe, they'd take it. Shouldn't that make them racist toward their own?

Also, one thing the article also pointed out was how it's the opposite for black men, in fact, more often than not Hollywood tends to prefer jigaboo men as opposed to wannabe ones. That suggests they are trying to relate darker skin with a higher degree of masculinity. So why isn't that racist toward wannabe's or White men? Article doesn't address that, as usual with these Woke White guilt articles, the only bad guy is the White man. .

Anonymous said...

You speakum the truth for man from Portland,lol.

I heard,years before Spike Lee,that blacks were racist in their ethnic circles because of different shades of skin color.

I get on Breitbart occasionally and fight it out with idiots who bring up the "It's not the skin color,it's the PERSON,"argument.

I argue,I don't just judge on skin color,but their big lips and nose,plus their nappy hair to decide if they should be avoided.

All of the above.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
The Portland OR Police Dept. is hurtling forward into Woke ideology as it emphasizes the business of protecting black criminals and squeezing more money out of White citizens. New police policies regarding traffic stops means the cops will start focusing on speeding violations rather than stopping people for "minor" violations.

The official reasoning is to reduce traffic deaths which appear to have risen over the past year or so. However, along with the "official" BS, I mean reasons, they always include a statement about how blacks are stopped disproportionately, you know, "profiling". Of course, they always leave out how blacks are also responsible for over 50% of the murders and shooting incidents (along with higher rates of violent crimes in general) so there's a perfectly good reason why cops might stop a black more than a White. It's not clear how not stopping people for things like broken tail lights or expired tags will reduce the number of blacks being stopped, unless they are suggesting that blacks are more likely to have more of those minor violations going on than Whites, while Whites are more likely to speed...Well, that's exactly what they are suggesting, they just don't say it directly. I'm doubtful Whites are any more likely to speed that black drivers, so what is really happening is that cops are supposed to ignore black drivers, even if they fit the description of a criminal.

Now with the new policies, black criminals are more likely to get away with criminal behavior even longer while Whites shell out more money to the city to pay for an increasingly impotent and BLM appeasing police dept.

Anonymous said...

Most(60-65%) blacks are sociopaths--they do what they feel like.They drive fast,run lights,park facing the wrong way on a street,do drug deals in the middle of the street,shoot from their cars in drive-bys,blast the rap crap loud enough for a 95 year old to hear and NEVER use a turn signal.

That's "White Man's Law"--which they don't agree with.
I've witnessed the above "minor infractions" all too often.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
I would also add that the more "black" a woman is, the more likely her body type will swing from being too muscular to too fat. Either extreme being unappealing, at least to me. White and Asian women tend not to be so extreme and have the more feminine figures.