Friday, July 30, 2021

Mutiny? Navy Charges Raceless, Faceless, Nameless black sailor with Arson for Setting the U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard on Fire; Affirmative Action Cover-Up is Firmly in Place; Charge is Death-Penalty Eligible, but with Affirmative Justice, He Shouldn’t be in Danger of Doing More than a Few Weekends in the Brig; Replacing Destroyed Amphibious Warship Will Cost White Net Taxpayers $4 Billion

[Previously: “Part I: Remember the Kitty Hawk! Remember the Constellation! West Point’s Female Black Supremacists are Continuing a Grand U.S. Military Civil Rights Tradition! Mutiny! Two Racist Mutinies the U.S. Navy Has “Disappeared,” and the Shadow Navy Command Structure.”]

By Nicholas Stix

As scrappy koala says, “When you don’t say the race, you say the race.”


David In TN said...

A news report said the Navy can't name the suspect until an "Article 32 Hearing" has been held. This is the military's term for a Grand Jury, which is supposed to be "secret."

Anonymous said...

What the navy will not tell you is that the Kitty Hawk incident is that nuclear weapons were probably compromised. If they had been needed to use they could not have been.

They always describe the "incident" as whitey and negro sailors "fighting". Bullshit, the niggers mutinied and rampaged through the ship with weapons, beating the crap out of every whitey sailor they came across.

Anonymous said...

Mutiny consists of a group defying and refusing to obey orders. A single individual cannot mutiny.