Thursday, July 16, 2020

Reparations Fever Running at Pandemic Levels at the US Conference of Mayors and in Ashe-Vegas, NC

By Merlin
Thu, Jul 16, 2020 9:57 p.m.

Reparations Fever Running at Pandemic Levels at the US Conference of Mayors and in Ashe-Vegas, NC

[from a friend]

Mayors Endorse Plan to Give $6.2 Quadrillion in Slavery Reparations to the Blacks
July 16, 2020

If white people hadn't brought Africans to America as slaves, they would still be living successful and prosperous lives in Africa, like their brothers and sisters are still doing to this day. Instead they're stuck in America with no way to return to Africa having a genocide committed against them by the cops.
The blacks drive a tough bargain. $6.2 quadrillion is a lot of money.

But fair is fair.

Their ancestors were able to conjure up all of that cotton we used to build the country out of, so we really do owe them all the money.

The nation's mayors on Monday backed a national call for reparations to 41 million black people, a program that could cost taxpayers $6.2 quadrillion.
The U.S. Conference of Mayors released a letter backing a Democratic plan to form a reparations commission to come up with a payment for slavery.

"We recognize and support your legislation as a concrete first step in our larger reckoning as a nation, and a next step to guide the actions of both federal and local leaders who have promised to do better by our black residents," said the letter from conference President Greg Fischer, mayor of Louisville.

Sen. Cory Booker and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee have introduced legislation to create a commission, the Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act.

In introducing her bill to the House last year, Jackson Lee said, "The commission aims to study the impact of slavery and continuing discrimination against African-Americans, resulting directly and indirectly from slavery to segregation to the desegregation process and the present day. The commission would also make recommendations concerning any form of apology and compensation to begin the long delayed process of atonement for slavery."

Since then, reparations have continued to draw attention, and the issue was elevated further during the recent Black Lives Matter protests.

Long at the center of the debate has been the potential price tag of paying slavery descendants, for which studies broadly include most or all of the 41 million black people in the country.

A new study from three college professors said that the ultimate cost could be $6.2 quadrillion. Quadrillion comes after trillion, and one quadrillion has 15 zeros.

The study suggests a payment of $151 million each, and the cost to every person would be $18.96 million.

The calculation is somewhat complicated, but it essentially studies the unpaid hours slaves worked, calculates a price for massacres and discrimination, and adds in interest. It is titled "Wealth Implications of Slavery and Racial Discrimination for African American Descendants of the Enslaved." It was published last month in the the Review of Black Political Economy.
If we were serious for a moment here: it would be worth paying these people $6.2 quadrillion if they would agree to leave.

Obviously, that's many times more money than exists in the world. But it would be worth giving blacks all the money in the world plus even more if they would just agree to leave us alone.

But that won't happen.

They will blow that $6.2 quadrillion on house parties, Nikes and crack cocaine in a week's time, then start rioting again and telling us we owe them.


North Carolina City Unanimously Votes to Give "Reparations" to Blacks, Removing Statues Isn't Enough

Pomidor Quixote July 16, 2020

You did this.    

Blacks are the only people in the entire history of the planet who have ever suffered, and you are responsible for their past suffering.

You did horrible things to them hundreds of years ago, and now you must pay for your sins.

IN A historic move, one US city has apologized for its role in slavery and voted in favor of providing reparations to its African-American community.

The vote to provide reparations passed unanimously in the Asheville, North Carolina, city council on Tuesday.
The reparations won't come in the form of direct payments to Black residents, but will instead invest in areas where the community often deals with disparities.

"Hundreds of years of Black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," Councilman Keith Young, one of two Black members on the council, said.

"It is simply not enough to remove statues. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature," he added, referring to calls across the US to remove statues of historical figures linked to America's racist past.
The city of Asheville recently took down a monument of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from its downtown area.
The resolution states that reparations will include things like making moves to increase minority home ownership and business ownership, closing gaps in things like access to health care and neighborhood safety initiatives.

"The resulting budgetary and programmatic priorities may include but not be limited to increasing
minority home ownership and access to other affordable housing, increasing minority business ownership and career opportunities, strategies to grow equity and generational wealth, closing the gaps in health care, education, employment and pay, neighborhood safety and fairness within criminal justice," the resolution says.
I disagree with that solution.

Everyone knows that human beings are all equal, which means that the only things responsible for differences between people are the circumstances that they experienced since they were born.

Knowing this, it is easy to see that the best solution to the dire situation of the African-American people is to implement a nation-wide "switch the babies" plan where we give white families black babies and black families white babies.

This would result in black babies growing up to be doctors and engineers, while the white babies grow up to be rappers, drug addicts, or members of a gang.


Anonymous said...

Haven't Whites given them that much over the last 50 years already?
With the food stamps,section 8 housing,prison time that costs $60,000 a year per prisoner,plus the crime itself--and its toll on retailers to the tune of 47 BILLION IN 2018 alone:
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Organized retail crime cost the overall retail economy in the United States nearly 47 billion dollars in 2018.

According to the National Retail Foundations 2018 Organized Retail Crime Survey, nearly half of all retailers say Organized Retail Crime Gangs are getting more aggressive than in years past. Nearly 92 percent say they’ve been victims of ORC in the past 12 months, with nearly three-quarters saying they’ve seen an increase in ORC in the past year.
GRA:Throw in the money wasted by employers HIRING blacks,I'd say the coons GOT their 6.2 Quadrillion--and then some.Speaking for whites everywhere,I want a rebate.

Anonymous said...

"They will blow that $6.2 quadrillion on house parties, Nikes and crack cocaine in a week's time"

YEP. That is what will happen. Money spent on frivolity of all sorts. Drinking, drugs, gambling, etc. Gone in no time.

Anonymous said...

I can't read this. I feel sick. Where are my reparations payments for being the descendant of Indentured Servants and the White Working Class?