Thursday, July 16, 2020

reconquista! Latinos for the First Time are the Largest Group of Californians Admitted to UC Schools

Thu, Jul 16, 2020 3:50 p.m.

Latinos for the First Time are the Largest Group of Californians Admitted to UC Schools

My sister-in-law has a PhD from UC Berkeley.

If I ever see her again at a family get-together, I will remind her that Berkeley has gutted its admissions standards, in order to admit under qualified Mexicans.

By the way, how many treacly essays have been written about "overcoming adversity"?

Don't the parasites in the admissions office at UC Berkeley get tired of reading such tripe?

N.S.: They get tired of reading it, but unless they're black and/or Hispanic, admitting it is a firing offense.


Anonymous said...

Can anyone please tell me when it was decided that Hispanic/Latino is a race? How about Celtic or Judaic? Why don't we make those races to check off on the questionnaires?

Nicholas said...

Hispanic--Nixon, circa 1970.