Thursday, July 16, 2020 Donald Trump Again Fires Billy Martin Corey Lewandowski, His Campaign Manager!

By R.C.
Wed, Jul 15, 2020 9:46 p.m. Donald Trump Fires Corey Lewandowski, His Campaign Manager

From the new york times:

Donald Trump Fires Corey Lewandowski, His Campaign Manager

The dismissal on Monday came amid concerns from allies and donors about Mr. Trump’s preparedness for the rigors and expenses of a general election.

N.S.: The last sentence is a complete non sequitur. Such "concerns" would speak for, not against Lewandowski.

Trump and Lewandowski are starting to remind me of George Steinbrenner and Billy Martin. By the way, has anyone ever seen Steinbrenner and Trump in the same room together?


Anonymous said...

Does the com in stand for communist?

David In TN said...

I think Steve Sailer (among others) has compared Donald Trump to George Steinbrenner. So did the Dodger star Steve Garvey in a recent book on the 1981 LA Dodgers and their World Series win over the Yankees.

Steinbrenner was up to his customary antics in the 1981 World Series. After Game Five, Steinbrenner claimed to have punched out two Dodger fans in an elevator. When the Yankees lost Game Six, Steinbrenner issued an "apology to the people of New York" for the poor performance by the Yankees.

Most observers don't think the "elevator fight" happened. Or at least not as Steinbrenner claimed.

Anonymous said...

I had to pass along,what I call,some real desperate Trump-hate from Holt tonight.
"A bombshell from Donald Trump's niece,Mary,who says the President has used the "N" word and anti-Semitic references."
Cue clip of Rachel Maddow(I know).
What transpires is Maddow asks a one minute question,followed by a one word answer:
"Okay,let's pursue this,are you saying that among the family,your uncle would use the same racist words your other family members used--that he'd say the "N" word and derogatory anti-Semitic euphemisms?"
"Have you ever heard him use the "N" word?"
"And anti-Semitic words?:
"Yes,"she blurted out(but then gave a brief bit of detail):"Well we can see how racist he is now,so hearing it then,well..."
She's not the brightest bulb--maybe 10 watts compared to Trump's 100.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Billy Martin still isn't around. He would support President Don.