Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Judge is Sandbagging the Public, Re Police Body Cam Footage from George Floyd's Death

By R.C.
Wed, Jul 15, 2020 11:57 a.m.

Video from the body cameras of two officers charged in George Floyd’s death is being made available for public viewing by appointment on Wednesday, but a judge thus far has declined to allow news organizations to publish the footage for wider distribution

R.C.: The Associated Press is worthless.

Shows a photo of Floyd with dorky, nerdy glasses.

More spin-doctoring. Dorky, nerdy glasses.

N.S.: Probably from a court case; defense attorneys love to do that with violent, black felons.


Anonymous said...

By appointment?What's the big deal?Is this classified information?

Anonymous said...

"Shows a photo of Floyd with dorky, nerdy glasses.

More spin-doctoring. Dorky, nerdy glasses.

N.S.: Probably from a court case; defense attorneys love to do that with violent, black felons."

Create an image of the owlish educated man who reads a lotta books and is harmless. sure.

Anonymous said...

How the hell can any of those cops ever get a fair trial? They cannot.