Friday, July 17, 2020

Hate Crime in Lancaster: black Couple Charged in Near Fatal Robbery-Assault on 80-Year-Old Hispanic Man in Supermarket Men’s Room

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 12:48:00 P.M. EDT

Vicious attack. An aggravated offense. Eighty-year-old man. Blacks call whitey the devil but it is the other way around. Colored just enjoy tormenting others. Sadistic persons.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 3:25:00 P.M. EDT

GRA: I DID look up the 80-year-old man/beating story. He’s Mex—the bizarre part is the two families are uniting in some bulls**t racial game of no blame.

(KTLA) A 22-year-old man and his alleged accomplice were charged Wednesday in a brutal attack at a Lancaster supermarket last week that left the 80-year-old victim in intensive care, prosecutors said.

Damaris Wade, aka Papa Cill, is accused of assaulting Roberto Flores Lopez and stealing his wallet in the restroom of the Superior Grocers at the corner of Avenue J and Challenger Way the morning of July 8. He’s charged with attempted murder, elder abuse and second-degree robbery, according to a criminal complaint filed by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Wade’s girlfriend, 33-year-old Tamika White, is facing one count of acting as an accessory after the fact in helping to conceal the robbery, the DA’s office said. Investigators have said she was at the scene during the assault.

Prosecutors are also seeking sentencing enhancements in the case, saying Wade was previously convicted of burglary in 2016 and White was convicted of assault with a deadly weapon in 2014. Wade also faces a special circumstances allegation of causing great bodily injury to a victim over 70 years old.

[GRA: She likes beating up seniors.]

Lopez’s family says the assailant continued to kick the 80-year-old after he handed over his wallet. He was eventually found bleeding on the floor by someone who later entered the restroom, his son Francisco Ordorico told KTLA.

Lopez suffered multiple broken ribs and facial injuries, according to sheriff’s deputies. An image posted to a GoFundMe campaign raising money for his recovery shows the victim’s face bloodied, with a bandage covering his head and right eye.

As of Sunday, Lopez was still recovering at a hospital.

Family members identified the victim as Roberto Flores Lopez, but court documents show his name as Roberto Lopez Florez.

[N.S.: Illegal?]

Wade and White were arrested in the case Saturday, a day after sheriff’s officials identified the pair as suspects and asked the public’s help in tracking them down.

Some in the community pushed for the incident to be investigated as a hate crime; the defendants are black, while Lopez is Latino. But investigators and prosecutors don’t believe race played a role.

[GRA: Not A role—a MAJOR role.

N.S.: It’s the standard lie.]

Following the arrests, Lopez’s relatives spoke out on the incident, all wearing shirts that read “Spread love, not hate.” They thanked the Antelope Valley residents for their support and called for unity.

The Sheriff’s Department said Wade’s family members have met with Lopez’s relatives, adding that “both families call for unity within our community.”

[GRA: Again, bizarre.

N.S.: That’s also practically standard, these days, and is often arranged by black supremacist fake news reporters. It’s to transform the perps’ families into “victims,” as well. They’ll say, “two families lost members.” No. If your family member murdered someone, you lost nothing, or at least no loss of yours counts.

My friend and partner-in-crime, David in TN, once witnessed an attempt at this sort of racist theater in Knoxville, TN, while covering one of the murder trials of Vanessa Coleman, one of the seven black Knoxville Horror monsters who tortured, gang-raped, and slaughtered White couple Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. A local, black supremacist fake news reporter tried to get Channon Christian’s father, Gary, to shake hands in a photo op, with the racist father of Coleman. Note that Vanessa Coleman has never shown any remorse for her crimes, nor have her parents.

To his credit, Gary Christian refused to play along.

It’s also possible that the black defendants’ White taxpayer-supported attorneys and msm fans calculate that if they can sucker the vic’s family into supporting them, they’ll get much lighter sentences. “Unity” between vic and perp? Impossible!

The only “unity” they could conjure up would be fake, the black supremacist kind, “We need unity against those who would divide us,” as in “the White devil.”]

As of Wednesday, the GoFundMe campaign had raised more than $52,000 of its $55,000 goal.

The defendants are scheduled to be arraigned Thursday.

Wade could face 25 years to life in prison if convicted as charged, while White faces six years in county jail.


Anonymous said...

The characteristic signature of the negro waging undeclared low-intensity dirty war. Attacks on the elderly.

Anonymous said...

" A local, black supremacist fake news reporter tried to get Channon Christian’s father, Gary, to shake hands in a photo op, with the racist father of Coleman."

YES. That is a tactic used often the defense in the court room. Try to do so in front of the jury. Some interpret that as a sign of forgiveness.