Saturday, July 18, 2020

“Easel Pads”: The Madness of Military Sensitivity Training is, Unfortunately, an Old Story

[Re: “The Army is Teaching Hate.”]

By Peteforester
Saturday, July 18, 2020 at 1:15:00 P.M. EDT

This may be the news of the day, but it’s NOTHING new. I had to undergo “sensitivity training” in the Coast Guard back in the early 90’s. Not just me; EVERYONE in the CG.

The topic of “flip charts” came up. You know; the big pads that are put on an easel. You write down whatever, and then flip the page back to expose a new sheet. You know; the ones that say 3M FLIP CHART on the front.

Welll... turns out that “flip” is a derogatory for Filipino. “Sensitivity” demanded that we refer to the “flip chart” as an “easel pad...,” even though the pad said FLIP CHART on the front of it.

I asked, “So we need to call this something else so that some overly sensitive Filipino won’t be offended?”

I was told, “If we can change the name of something, so that no one can possibly be offended, then we should do it.”

I said, “Then before long, we’ll constantly have to change names of things, as no matter what you call them, someone will be offended.”

I was told to shut up.... And yet... here we are...

N.S.: As Pete noted, if you invite certain groups to take offense, they will—even when you’re praising them (e.g., Injuns)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What it comes down to is,you choose the group that you don't care will get offended--Whites--nowadays.