Saturday, July 18, 2020

Do All Black Guys Look Alike? Marco Rubio Pays Tribute to Civil Rights Leader John Posting Picture of Elijah Cummings

By R.C.
Sat, Jul 18, 2020 7:03 p.m.

Do All Black Guys Look Alike? Marco Rubio Pays Tribute to Civil Rights Leader John Posting Picture of Elijah Cummings


R.C.: Well…?


Anonymous said...

Close enough--they DID turn into twins late in life.I wonder who figured it out.

Anonymous said...

Someone named Yashar Ali--I knew it wasn't a white guy.
-- GRA

Anonymous said...

With all the John Lewis mania this morning--non-stop praise from CBS,for instance,I present an alternative obituary:

The last surviving member of the comedy duo Martin and Lewis--no not THAT duo--died Saturday.The little known team of Strother Martin and John Lewis,who briefly performed together after Martin's appearances in "Cool Hand Luke" and "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid"--by trying to emulate the original Martin/Lewis formula with movies such as "That's my BOY" and "Jumping Jigs"--had little success in the early 1970s.
Total revenues of the two movies were,according to,estimated to be about $40 COMBINED in 1971 and 1972.

After movie studios not only banned them from their property--but burned all copies of their movies,Martin and Lewis focused on scattered college appearances throughout the rest of the decade--performing mostly for special ed students.
Martin became ill in 1979 and died in 1980,forcing Lewis to look for a new solo career in comedy--which he did--settling on being a member of Congress for the next 40 years.
His most hilarious comedy material revolved around reparations--Newt Gingrich,Pat Buchanan and Steve King often seen laughing out loud--on more than a few occasions.
The legacy of John Lewis can be summarized in the phrase that another Martin--Steve Martin,made famous--in describing the art of telling jokes:"Comedy is not pretty"--and that,one could say,went double for John Lewis.

Anonymous said...

Quite often they do appear to be the same to me.