Wednesday, July 24, 2019

On Robert Mueller’s Testimony Today

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 11:44:00 A.M. EDT

Just a couple quick impressions about Mueller's appearance today.

First impression: Hard of hearing version of Leslie Nielsen.

Second impression: A definite anti-Trumpian.

Third impression: He basically gave the Democrats what they wanted—agreements to their examples of witness tampering and obstruction of justice—as probable crimes.

I predict the MSM attack dogs (Holt, Welker, Jackson on NBC-others, too numerous to mention) will go berserk on this testimony.

The impeachment drumbeat will only increase from this Mueller appearance—which was designed as a pep rally for the “pro-impeachment crowd.”
--GR Anonymous

Part II
Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 12:33:00 P.M. EDT

The last thing—which I should have mentioned—and is probably the most important aspect of impeachment. What does the public think? Holt, Chuck Todd and crew made their impeachment case in the post-testimony analysis (biased opinion) roundtable. If they can convince some of Trump’s supporters to see it their way and erode his support, I could easily foresee polls coming out, showing numbers that would give Trump no choice but to resign—with a pardon from Pence pre-negotiated.

[I don’t think bad poll numbers would necessitate Trump resigning, but with the sort of weaklings and backstabbers running the GOP, they might use such numbers as the final knife in Trump’s back.]

Nadler will push—if Pelosi jumps on board, THAT will be the next springboard to further impeachment momentum.

Trump needs the security of his supporters—he loses them—he’s done.

N.S.: GRA’s last sentence is absolutely true, and yet Trump does nothing for his supporters. The man does nothing to even try to make himself sympathetic, except insult his Communist enemies. However, that makes me all the more hostile towards him, because it’s in a context in which the insults are just boob bait for the bubbas, in order to fool his base into believing he takes their interests to heart.


Anonymous said...

GRA:As you'll read,the first of many celebs that we'll probably get to see comment on the hearings today,went ballistic against Mueller.Michael Moore showed his class by calling Mueller,"a forgetful,frail old man."
That statement makes Moore a fat,pyschopathic,poor loser.
(BREITBART)Far-left documentary filmmaker Michael Moore slammed Democrats for inviting what he called a forgetful, “frail old man” in former special counsel Robert Mueller to testify before Congress on Wednesday.
“A frail old man, unable to remember things, stumbling, refusing to answer basic questions.,” Michael Moore’s screed began. “I said it in 2017 and Mueller confirmed it today — All you pundits and moderates and lame Dems who told the public to put their faith in the esteemed Robert Mueller — just STFU from now on.”
GRA:The Dems are very PC with constant racist charges against Trump,but when things don't go the Dems way,they become Satanic versions of Don Rickles--Rickles was funny--Michael Moore just tasteless and boorish (like most spoiled Donkeys)
What will Cher and Streisand say?
"That's what you get for putting an old,white man in charge."
Behar:"Old,white man."

These are possibilities--haven't seen anyone else--or "NNNs" spin on it yet.And I wonder which blacks out there--OR whites--like Bill Maher,will insult Mueller-for being white.


Anonymous said...

Last one:
I just happened to have Kimmel on tonight for his "no comedy monologue".
He ranted about Trump and Republicans,"who attacked a war veteran--Mueller".
For Trump he stood there and called Trump "a criminal and a liar.He colluded with Russia and covered it up."
He then showed video clips of Republicans at the hearing who were,"covering up for the liar."
His big(and only)joke:"The Republicans are on their knees so much for Trump that they should be paid $130,000 like another person--named Stormy was paid,for getting on her knees."
Hi-yoooo.I guess it's back to the sex jokes.
So if you missed watching Kimmell tonight,you didn't miss anything (as always).


Anonymous said...

I see I reversed the letters on psychopathic to pyschopathic.
The difference of the two words besides pronunciation(sigh-co-path-ik versus piss-co-path-ik)is psychopathic is a real word.However if pyschopathic could be introduced AS a real word,it's definition might be:adj:(piss-co-path-ik)A psychopath with an incontinence problem.See also Michael Moore.