Thursday, July 18, 2019

Notable, Succinct Letter on Democrats' Open Borders Policies

By A Colleague
Thu, Jul 18, 2019 8:59 a.m.
Notable Letter (250 words)

N.S.: Note that the writer had to pull his punches:

"Legal immigration, yes; unity from diversity, yes; open borders, and the ills it presages, no."

If he hadn't, the racial socialist editors wouldn't have published his letter. And yet, one gets so used to pulling one's punches in public utterances, in an environment that has been so ravaged, that one gives up the game. We need a moratorium on all legal immigration, as well, and "unity from diversity" is an impossibility.

Remarkably efficient 250 words --- on a broad array of implications of Democrat immigration policies in today's Asheville paper:

Open borders are nice – and impractical
Letter to the editor
July 18, 2019

The open-borders crowd—which includes virtually all Democrat primary candidates—has a vision partly based on a deeply-felt sense of "common humanity." I'm my brother's keeper, even if my brother has invaded my country, flouted its laws, and brazenly taken possession of its riches.

Open-border extollers accept, at least tacitly, the following: 

1. More angel moms, dads and families; I'm sure they think their own kith and kin will be spared from death at an illegal alien's hands.

2. Human trafficking because open borders brings more, not less of it.

3. Illegal drugs (Fentanyl et al) because—like libertarians— they don't fret unduly if more Americans have access to powerful, life-killing, community-destroying substances.

4. Preventable and curable diseases, e.g., measles and tuberculosis, because they don't fully comprehend the public health principles that require secure borders.

5. The crimes of MS13 and its ilk because they believe these gangs are merely groups of misguided youth and we're somehow responsible for their crimes.

6. A wage-killing labor surplus, so citizens are short-changed in the labor market.

7. A wall-less world because they believe lions should lie down with lambs, no matter how catastrophic this always is for the lambs.

8. An America cut down to size because its very founding was immoral.

A utopian, borderless "common humanity" is a nice idea, but its social costs for citizens is more than I want to pay. Legal immigration, yes; unity from diversity, yes; open borders, and the ills it presages, no.

Bart Brown, Hendersonville

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Trump tells Tlaib,AOC,Omar and Pressley to,"go home..."he means their parent's home--the country the parents lived in--BEFORE they weasled their way into the USA.He means the countries,the Tlaibs and Omars and the rest,resided in for centuries,before now.Trump knows 3 of the 4 were born here--he also knows the mistake was letting the parents in decades ago.Without the parents presence in America--initially--the ungrateful,socialist kids would be absent as well.
But we keep compounding our mistakes,don't we,with liberal courts and commie politicians.
The "Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse" are just the beginning of our problems in Congress.