Monday, June 03, 2019

Read between the Lines: Guatemalan Illegal Alien's Sentence for Benefit Fraud is More a Gift than a Punishment!

By "W"
Mon, Jun 3, 2019 3:44 p.m.

Guatemalan illegal alien residing in Iowa sentenced for benefit fraud | ICE

Read this carefully. She only got a 2 month sentence + 3 yrs of "supervised release." That suggests she and her illegal hubby are not going to be deported. What a bad joke of an "enforcement" system.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By Jennie Taer -June 1, 2019
Remember Democrat candidate Andrew Yang who is campaigning on Universal Basic Income? If elected, Yang would give $1,000 every month to every U.S. citizen 18.

Now Cory Booker, comes up with a better idea, which he says would close the racial wealth gap in America. Booker calls his plan, “Baby Bonds”, which would give $1,000 to every child that is born in USA, every year, until they reach 18 years old. Money from this policy could not be withdrawn before the account holder turns 18, and could be used only for specific purposes, including college expenses, home purchases, entrepreneurship and retirement. According to the analysis, “account size would range from just over $1,700 for individuals growing up in affluent households to nearly $50,000 for individuals raised in very low-income households.”
GRA:This is MY idea-what I said Trump should come up with for WHITES!We don't need more negroes in America--sucking $1000 every year into a black kids bank account--from the government.
What's needed is tax credits for whites to have more kids--based on WORK and SALARY.If the husband and wife work,but want to have kids,tax credits that allow the future mother to stay home and not go broke,is the solution.Booker is eliminating work as a criteria for receiving money.Of course!
What else would you expect a black to say,to get blacks to vote for him?
Now Trump needs a plan for whites to increase the birthrate,
--GR Anonymous