Monday, June 24, 2019

Houston Crime Victim, Who was Beaten Unconscious and Robbed, is Almost 90 Years Old, but Does Not Speak a Lick of English; Does the 30-35 Year-Old, Hispanic Attacker?

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Jun 24, 2019 10:16 p.m.

Houston police are now looking for the suspect who is described as a Hispanic male between the ages of 30-35. He may hang out in the area of Villa and Fauna.

ATR: The victim is almost 90 years old, but does not speak a lick of English?



Anonymous said...

I saw the saddest sight I thought I could see yesterday.I got off the expressway and cut down a side ghetto street--a short cut to get to my house--a mile an a half away.The houses in the area are old and run down.Blacks are everywhere--large groups outside of most every one,except as I turned the corner on one street,there was a house--with one very old,frail white man sitting on the steps.He looked to be well over 90 years old.He could have been a hundred.He was by himself on those steps.On either side of him,for many buildings down,were porch dwelling blacks whooping it up.I was driving quickly and the houses where the blacks lived blurred by.But as I drove by his home,the very old white man looked at me in my car and time stopped for a second.I felt badly for him--to be in this position--after a long life.
I hope what happened in Houston, doesn't happen to the white man stuck in the black ghetto,but I wouldn't bet against it.

Anonymous said...

Probably illegal attacking other illegal. "Houston man attacks Houston man". Attacking the elderly normally a crime that warrants three times the normal punishment.