Monday, June 03, 2019

Racist Maneuverings in Dallas: "Fatigued" Dallas Police Ask for Public's Help in Deadly Car Wash Shooting; Police Chief Reneé Hall Said the PD is Understaffed and Needs the Public's Help Identifying Violent Criminals

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Jun 3, 2019 10:30 p.m.

"Fatigued" Dallas police ask for public's help in deadly car wash shooting Dallas police Chief Reneé Hall said the police department is understaffed and needs the public's help identifying violent criminals.

ATR: She is full of shit.

Dallas is undergoing an economic boom.  There is a surfeit of jobs here in Dallas.

And why the Hell do folks on the Dallas city council want to shut down a business owned by a white guy?

These same assholes on the city council are always decrying "food deserts" and the "need" for "investment" in the 'hood.  

So, again, why shut down a white-owned business?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Blacks like car washes. We used to have a car wash near us in Chicago that was staffed by colored. Now that job is done by Mex. The colored used to stand around out back and shoot dice. Blacks like to shoot dice too.