Sunday, June 02, 2019

Racist, Black Mass Murderer DeWayne Craddock was Violent with Co-Workers before Virginia Beach Shooting

By "W"
Sun, Jun 2, 2019 8:46 p.m.

DeWayne Craddock was violent with co-workers before Virginia Beach shooting: report

But since he was an Affirmative Action Black, they kept him on until he blew up (as could be expected).


Anonymous said...

A more or less equal opportunity killer - 9 white victims and 3 blacks. Which is why we have the victims photos up almost immediately.

Anonymous said...

But when the photos of the vics are shown individually,it's alternated--one white,one black,one white,one black--until they run out of blacks.

Anonymous said...

Monday NNN update
"Negro Nightly News",decided not to highlight what Craddock (who was shown two times for a total of 8.9 seconds)perpetrated,but instead focused on a black
co-worker(picture shown for 30+ seconds)who a white woman said,"saved my life."
Lesta couldn't figure out why Craddock did what he did (my theory,racist attack--with collateral black fatalities).
When blacks kill,no theories,no follow-up.When whites kill--a laundry list of reasons(usually a pro 2nd amendment,racist being the main one)and a week long investigation.
Not an honest broadcast.
--GR Anonymous

Anonymous said...

I bet he had serious psychological problems. But were explained away. Because of racism, St. Martin Luther King Jr. and Reverend Al.

Was at a supermarket check out counter, buying a large package of toilet paper that's encased in cellophane. A little black boy, six or seven years old, was poking his finger trying to break through the cellphone. I told him not to do that. His mother says nothing, doesn't stop him. I have to say it twice. Mother again, says nothing. The stupid cashier right away says oh his hand must have slipped. Making up excuses for a little black boy. She couldn't see what he was doing.

No, his hand did not slip, he was trying to pop through the cellophane package on purpose. This is the whole thing in a nutshell.

Anonymous said...

Here's MY "interraction with blacks",story of the day:
I'm standing in line at a courtesy desk,waiting to cash some lottery tickets in.Ahead of me is a black woman--in her late 60s.There's one white woman running the desk.ANOTHER black(a female in her 20s)was buying money orders-a lot of them.She was ahead of both of us--but off to the side,where money orders are made out.
The almost 70 year old black woman ahead of me was getting mad.She yelled out,"I need service over here."
The white employee gently replied,"As soon as I'm done with this customer."
"I've been waiting(grumble)and no one's coming over (expletive deleted)
I made a joke,"I think she buying a house over there."The woman turned around and was not amused.
"Where IS everybody?"She sounded like George Jefferson's mother and had bloodshot eyeballs.
A white lady,who works in another area of the store,walked behind the courtesy desk to make some copies.
"You work here?"asked the fuming negro woman.
"Not back here,"replied the white woman.
The other employee nervously called out to appease the black.
"Almost done."
Not quite.More bitching and grumbling from Mrs.Jefferson followed.A few minutes later,the courtesy desk employee came over to wait on Mrs Jefferson,and peace was restored.
I stood there thinking about the times I've gone to a Wendys in the past, and blacks working there,took their sweet time waiting on whitey (me).
THAT'S the whole thing--in a nutshell--and the nuts are the blacks!
--GR Anonymous