Friday, June 07, 2019

Lies of Omission: "Help me. Help me. Somebody please help me.": Delgado wasn't eligibility for the death penalty because she fled to Mexico before police arrested her and Mexico refused to extradite her to the United States if she faced a death sentence.

By A Texas Reader
Fri, Jun 7, 2019 11:43 p.m.

"Help me. Help me. Somebody please help me.": Delgado wasn't eligibility for the death penalty because she fled to Mexico before police arrested her and Mexico refused to extradite her to the United States if she faced a death sentence.

This is bullshit.

The writer lies by omission.

Brenda Delgado is the American (sic) daughter of a Mexican wetback.  This gave her dual citizenship at birth.

Delgado fled to Mexico because she knew that Mexico would not extradite her if she faced the death penalty here in Texas.

Delgado also dated the victim's new boyfriend, Ricardo Paniagua.

Paniagua is a Stanford University alumnus, and most likely an affirmative action beneficiary.  

So, Mexicans, anchor babies, feral blacks, affirmative action parasites, a hate crime, and murder all wrapped up together. 

As this banana republic slowly devolves into another South Africa look for more of these crimes to occur.   It is inevitable.

"Help me.  Help me.  Somebody please help me."

Help ain't coming folks.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had been harassed for two weeks by two men prior to this. And they were wearing masks. SO ID is not possible. Could be whitey they will say.

If negroes did the crime it cannot be a hate crime then. Negroes are not capable of committing a hate crime. Negroes are virtuous.