Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Is It Curtains for @AOC?

By Nicholas Stix

You know what? I like you, Mr. Bongino, I really like you. But you GOPers always engage in premature celebration. I remember how you guys did a countdown during President John Doe's first term of how many days he had left in office. How did that work out? 1/2

@AOC can stuff as many fake ballots as she likes, because she knows the #GOP will do absolutely nothing about it (as in 2000 and 2018). A party can have grit, or it can have ruthlessness. Today’s GOP has neither. 2/2


Anonymous said...

Curtains in front of her a burqa.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully some thoughtful Democrats will find someone to run against her in the next primary. But I doubt it. A miracle needs to occur. Part the Red Sea and all that.