Monday, January 21, 2019

Four Women Who Left Water for Criminal Invaders in the Arizona Desert May Go to Prison

By A Texas Reader
Sun, Jan 20, 2019 5:51 p.m.
Four women left water for migrants in the Arizona desert. Now they may go to prison Read more here:



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Yes, toss them in jail for encouraging people to get themselves killed. Imagine supply stations set up throughout the illegal migration routes: Food, water, medicine and other supplies to make it easier for the migrants to sneak into the US...heck, then let's just supply all terrain vehicles to ferry them comfortably through the desert and nobody will die. These morons don't realize that the more people that successfully sneak into the US, then more will be encouraged to do so and more will die in the desert. If nobody tries to take such a damn fool hike unprepared then nobody will die. It's the same as the insanely stupid rescue of African boat migrants who are deliberately jumping into leaky boats counting on being "rescued" so they can get to Europe. When counting on being "rescued" for putting yourself in extreme danger becomes part of the formula then the rescuers themselves become traffickers. If these migrants knew there was no chance of succeeding then the illegal immigration would stop and there would be no deaths. It's actually the diversity fanatics that enable these migrants that are responsible for them dying in the deserts and in the water. Here is an article that does a good job of explaining the true dynamic:

Anonymous said...

Aiding and abetting criminal behavior. Got convicted of misdemeanors. A nothing to them. They would do most anything for the illegal. Was this a federal offense? As I recall was one on a restricted animal refuge. Food and water left behind too maybe used by drug smugglers human pack animals.

Anonymous said...

The women should be home taking care of THEIR families--or WORKING.A lot of businesses are looking for help at jobs that are productive.Helping illegals make a safe trip to the USA is not productive...even more,it's probably not safe.Rape and murder are in their futures,I predict.