Thursday, January 31, 2019

Gupta apologised quickly, but the post hints at a long-known - but little acknowledged - problem of racism towards people of African descent in Indian society

Thu, Jan 31, 2019 10:28 p.m.

Gupta apologised quickly, but the post hints at a long-known - but little acknowledged - problem of racism towards people of African descent in Indian society.


Anonymous said...

I am surprised there are ANY Africans in Indian society. Four castes and the Untouchables. Africans equal to Hanuman the monkey god in the Hindu panthology?

LBD said...

To speak of racism in reference to India is absurd. Their entire social structure is based on segregation of castes. Any time I hear of an Indian complaining of racism I want to ask him,”Ok, how about having lunch with me and my Untouchable friend”? He or she will not be able to bring themselves to do it.