Wednesday, December 12, 2018

GOOGLE Sends Alex Jones a Christmas Card

Wed, Dec 12, 2018 11:17 pm

GOOGLE Sends Alex Jones a Christmas Card

Weren't the two founders of google sponsored by DARPA while the two were Stanford grad students?

INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part ...
Lewis Shepherd (left), then a senior technology officer at the Pentagon's Defense Intelligence Agency, talking to Peter Norvig (right), renowned expert in artificial intelligence expert and director of research at Google.
Tim Junio, CEO of Qadium. The ex-CIA agent and colleagues from a DARPA project are building the Google Street View for internet devices, as they try to help businesses stay one step ahead of ...
Guess which board Henry Kissinger's employees sit on?
In-Q-Tel is the strategic investor for the U.S. intelligence and defense communities that identifies and adapts cutting-edge technologies that help make our nation safer.
In-Q-Tel is a well known CIA front company.

And what other company is a well known CIA front company?

Why, Business International, former home to both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, but at different times.
Business International Corporation (BI) was a publishing and advisory firm dedicated to assisting American companies in operating abroad. It was founded in 1953. It organized conferences, and worked with major corporations. It had ties to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Former president Barack Obama worked there as a college graduate. In 1986, Business International was acquired by the ...
It's Skynet, baby!

Total surveillance all the time, everywhere where you don't want it to be.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Military robots becoming more and more sophisticated all the time. Even had a drone one time try to autonomously start it's engines. Beware one and all. Skynet closer than you think.