Saturday, April 18, 2015

See What Lunches Michelle Obama is Forcing on American Schoolchildren, and What Her Daughters Get in School (Warning: Explicit Food Photo!)





Re-posted by Nicholas Stix

My ninth-grader went on strike against school food five years ago. I cook him a feast each day, after he comes home from school. Things that Madame Michelle would definitely disapprove of publicly, while wolfing down in private: Blood-rare hamburgers, rare steaks, juicy chops, that sort of thing, with fresh pasta and lots of fruit and veggies. Unlike Madame Michelle’s prisoners, who throw away most of their food, my baby cleans his plate in no time flat.

Michelle Obama Mandated School Lunch Goes from Bad to Worse…
By Sundance
April 17, 2015, 7:17 p.m.
The Last Refuge/Conservative Treehouse

Yuck… but hey, the school says it’s compliant with Michelle’s dictates.

school lunch - michelle obamaPORTSMOUTH, Va. – That’s not really a fish filet with a whole wheat bun resting on top.

Nah, your eyes are playing tricks on you.

That’s what administrators at Virginia’s Portsmouth Public Schools want parents to believe after a mother took a photo of her child’s paltry school lunch and posted it on social media.  The mom says James Hurst Elementary served the lunch Tuesday.

After the photo began circulating around the community, Food Service Coordinator Jim Gehlhoff admitted the lunch “concerns us,” but added that it might not actually be as bad as it looks.

“Poor lighting and food presentation make this lunch unappealing,” he said in a statement released to the media.

He says it’s in compliance with the federal lunch rules championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.

“The meal in this photo and other meals served by Portsmouth Public Schools meet nutritional and USDA requirements,” according to the food service coordinator.

An unscientific poll by WAVY found 92.3 percent of respondents (10,138 people) did not believe the lunch was “acceptable.” (read more)

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