Saturday, April 18, 2015

Peter Brimelow on the “Brutal Bargain” that Turned the Conservative Movement into a Racket

Excerpted by Nicholas Stix


Now, in fact, I must admit that I did immigrate to an idea—a Proposition. I immigrated to the American Conservative Movement. In the late 1960s, my twin brother and I decided that all was lost in England. I remember sitting in the University of Sussex history library and reading National Review—we actually had to force the library to resubscribe to it because they’d let it lapse on the grounds that conservative movements in America didn’t amount to anything.

This was the American Conservative Movement that began in the 1950s in opposition to Eisenhower. It nominated Goldwater in 1964. It elected Reagan in 1980. And it won the Cold War. It also ended the Great Inflation, which was the major economic event of the mid-20th century. Now, I’ve discovered that nobody under 40 has any memory of the Cold War. Richard was too young and Jared Taylor was on the other side—he was cutting cane in Cuba! Isn’t that right, Jared? But nevertheless, I take it very seriously. I still think that was a very important achievement….

Read (or listen to) the whole thing, at VDARE.

1 comment:

David In TN said...

It's forgotten that it was the Republican Eisenhower administration that instigated the so-called Conservative Movement.