Thursday, May 15, 2014

Think of Clayton Lockett’s “Botched” Execution “as a Very, Very, Very Late-Term Abortion” (Ann Coulter!)


Lockett shot Stephanie Neiman, and then had his accomplices bury her alive. She was but one of many of his victims, though he apparently didn’t murder the others. Lockett’s leftwing fans could care less about his victims, all of whom appear to have been white.

By Nicholas Stix

“Ann Coulter: Load and Lockett—If States are ‘Botching’ Lethal Injections, Use Firing Squads—Volunteer Ones.” (Ann Coulter at VDARE!)


Clayton Lockett failed to die a painless death, which has his leftist fan base outraged


Glaivester said...

Let's not forget the other guy in Oklahoma, whose execution was delayed, Charles F. Warner, or as I like to call him, Pigtails the Baby-Rapist.

Anonymous said...

When the Founding Fathers opposed cruel and unusual punishment, they meant executions by hanging, drawing and quartering. Or burning at the stake or breaking on the wheel.

They thought hanging by the neck until dead was appropriate for capital offenders.

David In TN