Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Refuting Ken Burns’ Agitprop Movie, The Central Park Five (My VDARE Investigative Report is Up!)


The most prominent of the many victims of the racist black and Hispanic mob, due to her horrific wounds: Trisha Meili, better known as “the Central Park Jogger,” circa 2003

The Central Park Five as teenagers: Heinous, conscienceless criminals, not “victims”: Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, Kharey Wise and Antron McCray

Ken Burns’ The Central Park Five: The New To Kill a Mockingbird—Fiction Designed to Induce White Guilt
By Nicholas Stix
May 14, 2014

Ken (The Civil War) Burns’ 2012 documentary The Central Park Five, nominally about the Central Park Jogger Case, has become this generation’s To Kill a Mockingbird—now regularly assigned by Leftist educators to brainwash impressionable school kids and induce white guilt. As is typical for Burns, a story about black and Hispanic crime is transformed into a morality play set in the notorious bastion of white racism that is New York City.


Their advocate: Al Sharpton, marching with one of the Central Park attackers

The Burns Gang: David McMahon, L; his wife, Sarah Burns; and her father, Ken Burns


Needless to say, the actual facts of the case tell a more complicated (and damning) story. But unfortunately, Burns’ agitprop may facilitate yet another $250 million-plus racial extortion payment in the form of a predatory civil suit against the city—and, ultimately, cripple law enforcement.

[Read the whole report here.]


Anonymous said...

Yusef on Sixty Minutes:

"I held her down while the others raped her and then hit her on the head trying to kill her, but I didn't rape her."

Good old Yusef.

Anonymous said...

Even if Reyes raped her and the others did not, those five thugs beat her so bad they facilitated a crime of rape, even if not participating.

Sorta like "held her down while the others raped her."

The PDK Herald/Crier Project said...

Ken Burns, his feminine elements dominate his personality as witnessed when he talks candidly for the camera.

Another liberals liberal who can take reality and transmogrify it into the liberal illusion of white liberal ideology, with a great talent.

Time to consider a new life. What is the sense of struggling on along with the same results over and over.

White liberals are the immature and the insane. Rather than mature beyond their selfishness and cowardice they pretend to champion non-whites, as the victim of whites, by flagellating whites into extinction for a 30 pieces of silver like reward.

Rather than suffer their opprobrium for their failure to mature beyond their selfishness and cowardice, they make the white collective pay the price for their failure to mature whilst holding themselves up, nose high in the air, as the exemplar of humanity.

The King's new cloths look great, don't they?

Unbelievable, and good grief Charlie Brown!

From the Sanctuary, I'm PDK: Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yep, black and hispanic criminals commit a heinous crime and the problem is "white racism." It even happened with the Knoxville Horror.

In the video her newspaper put out, our friend Jamie Satterfield said "The case exposed a vein of racism."

She didn't mean the torture-murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. She was referring to the REACTION to it. Jamie was saying people typing words on a computer keyboard was comparable (or worse) to two young people being tortured to death.

David In TN

E. Newton said...

I will never watch another Ken Burns film and I'll influence every single human being I can to take the same action.