By Nicholas Stix
Note that the following Times of India article “disappears” murder victim Danielle Mehlman. Her name appears nowhere in the article, and although the article mentions in passing the warrant for Kumar's arrest for murdering Mehlman, if you read the article superficially, you’d think he was the victim of the piece!
Bangalore techie Pawan Kumar left suicide note, say US police
Rajiv Kalkod, TNN | Jun 29, 2012, 01.54AM IST
Times of India
Comments (191)
Distraught family members of Pawan Kumar Anjaiah want his death to be probed.
BANGALORE: In a latest development, the Delaware police in New Jersey have confirmed that Pawan Kumar had left a suicide note and that they recovered it from his room.
However, Delaware police have refused to reveal the details of the suicide note. As a rule, we do not disclose the details to press," Delaware police sources said in an email to TOI [N.S.: Times of India].
A Pawan Kumar, software engineer with Cognizant, was found dead inside a hotel room in New Jersey on June 19. Delaware police had issued an arrest warrant against him for allegedly killing a 26-year-old [former] teacher in a beach in the second week of June.
Meanwhile, there was confusion in Pawan's family on who will bring the body. "We are in touch with the company to help us bring the body," Pawan's father, A Anjaiah, told TOI.
He said that his son had told him days before he was said to have ended his life that he had drawn around Rs 10 lakh from a bank to buy a new car. No one knows what happened to that money," Anjaiah said.
Congnizant [sic] spokesperson said: "Cognizant is working closely with the Indian government officials in New York and they have been very helpful. After multiple calls to the family members of Pawan Kumar today, they met us in our office this evening along with their lawyer. We have given the family members the forms from the US government authorities that need to be signed by Pawan Kumar's father to obtain the release of Pawan Kumar's body. We are waiting for the family to sign the necessary paper work so that we can facilitate the return of the body to the family as quickly as possible.''
[Previously, on this case, at WEJB/NSU:
“Yet Another Collision of a Suicidally ‘Liberated,’ White Female with the Third World? H1-B Visa Holder Pawan Kumar Murders School Teacher/Stripper Danielle Mehlman at Delaware Beach Resort Town, Then Commits Suicide”;
“Family of Murder Victim Danielle Mehlman: She Met Her Killer, Pawan Kumar, Through an Online Dating Service”; and
“Indian H-1B Killer of Danielle Mehlman, Pawan Kumar Anjaiah, was an Indentured Servant for Cognizant; Killer’s Family is in Denial, Claims Firm Has Sought to Hide Its Connection to Killer.”]
Yours article makes no sense. There's an entire paragraph that talks about the fact that he was wanted for an alleged murder of that girl. What else do you want?
Take a look at this article.
Apparently she had a boyfriend, didnt want to have sex with him and was hanging out with him because he bought her "stuff". She was a whore who met a psycho. Classic whore meets killer story.
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