[Previously, at WEJB/NSU:
“WA’s Answer to Mike Nifong: For Corrupt, Feminist Prosecutor, Sue Baur, All the False Rape Charges are on the House: Cassandra Kennedy Admits She Railroaded Her Father for 11 Years in Prison on a False Accusation, but Will Get a Free Ride.”]
Kelso man sues county over child sex abuse accusation he says was leverage in custody dispute
The Associated Press
March 23, 2012, 11:33 a.m.
Last Updated: March 23, 2012, 11:34
KELSO, Wash. — A Kelso man who says he was wrongfully accused of sexually abusing his young daughter is suing Cowlitz County.
In the lawsuit filed last week 29-year-old Bryce Lemmons says he passed two polygraph tests but investigators failed to explore the possibility the allegations were an invention of his ex-wife as leverage in custody dispute.
Lemmons was arrested in October 2010 and charged with child molestation and rape. The charges were dropped last June. Lemmons said he still has not seen his children because of a no-contact order.
Cowlitz County Prosecutor Sue Baur says she can't comment on the case and it's being handed by a lawyer for the county's insurance fund.
The Daily News reports (http://is.gd/G9Fl5u) ) he seeks an unspecified amount of money for alienation of his children's affection.
Via The Republic.
1 comment:
She has yet to prosecute any woman in court for paternity fraud either. Big surprise, right?
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