Saturday, May 11, 2024

Why is the justice department running the Paul Pelosi case, and why would it seek a 40-year sentence for Pelosi's alleged attacker?

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, may 11, 2024 at 11:29:40 p.m. edt

"justice department seeks 40-year sentence for Paul Pelosi attacker"

Paul Pelosi’s butt boy “date”?


Should have been given a ticker-tape parade.


Anonymous said...

40 years is totally out of whack with the crime,but then so are the 1/6 prison sentences.An inferred "government hate crime" added about 30 years as a deterrent.

MY theory.


Anonymous said...

Sure sounds like a coverup. The female Pelosi didn't want people to think her husband was a butt-sexual (he may have turned that way because she was too hideous to screw). This way the public will think the defendant was a dangerous criminal home invader and kidnapper--instead of her husband's butt buddy.