Monday, May 13, 2024

Steyn on the World: Diversity is Our Death

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It's all quotable, but here's something extra-quotable:

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Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 at 05:06:48 a.m. mdt

Subject: Steyn on the World: Diversity is Our Death

Diversity is Our Death

by Mark Steyn
Steyn on the World
May 13, 2024

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A street scene from Islamic England


In recent days, I've had requests to write another apocalyptic bestseller so I can do my tedious "As I said ten years ago..." shtick on a whole bunch of other subjects a decade hence. But I'm not sure I have it in me. At this stage, unless you're less sentient than an earthworm, if you don't get what's happening, it's because you choose not to get it.

As millions do. Headline from my old paper, The Daily Telegraph:

Sales of new petrol motorcycles set to be banned from 2040

This is the priority of a supposedly "conservative" government. But don't worry, you'll soon learn to love your new electric vehicle:

Eco-friendly brake cables eaten by foxes after switch to soy insulation

Are "brake cables" really necessary in the coming utopia of "fifteen-minute cities"? I mean, won't the "eco-friendly" vehicles just be built to roll to a standstill should you attempt to shift to third gear?

As noted, this is happening under the Tories. But that doesn't seem to make any difference, does it? Whether you vote for a "right-wing" "fascist" like Theresa May or a leftie wokester like Justin Trudeau, a dinky metrosexual "technocrat" "centrist" like Macron or a dead husk of a moth-eaten sock-puppet like Biden, a coalition of all the respectable parties like Germany or an inability to form any government at all six months after the election like the Netherlands, the general direction of travel is pretty much the same all over the western world. No matter how you might wish to slam on the brakes, the wires were cut years ago. Or possibly chewed through by Bill Gates's genetically modified non-flatulating livestock.

So any new book as proposed by readers is going to be pretty short. Indeed, most of the topics one might wish to broach in such a tome have just been declared taboo in a new "guide" for UK political candidates jointly issued by "conservative" Penny Mordaunt, the famously sword-wielding Lord President of the Privy Council, and her opposite number across the chamber on the Labour benches, Lucy Powell.

This is a curious unanimity for Britain's only two choices of governing party to be proclaiming - especially just a few months before an election. In the old days in self-governing societies, it was taken as read that the trick was to open up "clear blue water" between yourself and your opponents in order to present people with "a choice not an echo". Instead, Ms Mordaunt and Ms Powell's Guide for Members of Parliament and Candidates on Conspiracy Theories demands the political class agree that what's needed in effective democracies is an echo not a choice ...not on anything that matters.

What are we to make of this odd development in the run-up to a supposed watershed election? Just an extreme example of the uniparty consensus? Ah, but the "uniparty" is undoubtedly another of those conspiracy theories, isn't it?

So what else have the "government" and the "opposition" reached complete agreement on? Per The Guardian, the Tory/Labour uniparty Guide to Things Not to Talk About helpfully itemises them:

The Great Replacement
A belief that there is a plan to replace the European white population with minority ethnic groups. Far-right European politicians have repeated the claim, which has also been name-checked by more traditional rightwingers such as the French conservative presidential candidate, Valérie Pécresse.

So don't worry. Everyone who matters in the west assures us that there is no such thing as the "Great Replacement". You can take that to the bank, assuming that Justin hasn't had your account frozen. What a pity this assurance was not passed on to our chum Eva Vlaardingerbroek before she gave her address on the subject in Budapest:

Here it is! The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about.

I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory - it's reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever...

— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) April 27, 2024

Hmm. Whom to believe? Eva? Or the Mordaunt/Powell pantomime horse of two rear ends? Just three years ago, Tucker and I got into trouble for broaching the topic on Fox:

As CNN would later tut:

Steyn did not object to Carlson's comments.

That's correct, I didn't. Because, when you do it on the scale America and the west are doing it, it's hard to say with a straight face that it's not happening. Pat Buchanan almost a quarter-century ago:

In 1960, only sixteen million Americans did not trace their ancestors to Europe. Today, the number is eighty million. No nation has ever undergone so rapid and radical a transformation.

And that entails certain consequences. Might be great, might be not so ...but such an unprecedented transformation cannot not have consequences. Perhaps that's why our rulers are so insistent that it not be mentioned. CNN calls it "the racist 'great replacement' theory", but, as Eva says, it should be perfectly obvious to anyone taking a stroll around an average western city of any size that it's "no longer a theory - it's reality". Here's me on what turned out to be (although I did not know it) my very last appearance on GB News:

Not bad for a guy twelve hours from a heart attack. And, if that's to be my swan song in UK media, I'll stand by that. As Eva pointed out, the same trends are visible elsewhere - in, say, what Republican sentimentalists still refer to as "Ronald Reagan's California".

But let's stick with London for the moment. I would guarantee that that 36.8 per cent Anglo-Celtic population was an over-estimate then and is even lower now. By way of example, I notice that the native population of the British Isles is so demographically irrelevant to Sadiq Khan's "Great World City" that they are increasingly absent from either side of the proliferating daily horror stories. Just from the last week:

'Samurai sword-wielding killer' Marcus Monzo 'essentially decapitated' schoolboy Daniel Anjorin, 14, during horrific Hainault rampage, court told

"Hainault rampage" is not a phrase the English language has hitherto needed. Mr Monzo is apparently a "dual Spanish-Brazilian national". His poor victim's name, Anjorin, is Nigerian.

From the East End to the terminus of the Northern Line:

Edgware: Fatal stabbing of woman was an isolated incident, say police

Oh, thank goodness for that! The victim was sixty-six-year-old grandmother Anita Mukhey. Her alleged killer is Jalal Debella. Anjorin, Mukhey, Monzo, Debella: In the Great World City, no Anglo-Celts need be involved. Oh, wait, no, sorry...

Bethnal Green: Murder charge after Jack Hague died in stabbing

Mr Hague was fatally stabbed by a chap called Mohammed Ikram Uddin, 24, of no fixed abode.

One more, this time from my mum's country:

Prosecutors have opened an investigation into the sickening gang rape of a 14-year-old girl in a wooded area in Belgium by ten other minors... Reports said the group filmed the attack on their smartphones and posted clips to social media...

Belgian outlet Nieuwsblad said the suspects were 'believed to be young people of immigrant origin'. It added that six of the suspects had been placed in a closed institution, while the other four were placed under house arrest.

Yeah, that'll work. The poor girl was held captive in the "wooded area" for two days to be gang-raped over and over and over. But four of the alleged perps don't get held at all - even though the prosecutor's office professes to be stunned by the gang-rapists' "complete lack of sense of norms".

What "norms"? The point about a multiculti society is that there are no norms; multiculturalism means that your norm is to have no norm. If you import, say, large numbers of Afghans to Norway, what "norm" are young men expected to observe re the Nordic totty perambulating bare-armed and bare-legged? "Oh, golly. I've never seen a woman out of her body bag other than a family member. And now they're everywhere! Amazing how boring female breasts become after the first couple of hundred. Maybe I should try this gay thing so many of the local lads I chat to in the pub over a couple of lagers seem to prefer..."

A society without "norms": good luck with that.

Eva is right. For native European populations, their demographic eclipse will be accompanied by increasing rapes and stabbings and vehicular homicides. And, when they're all gone or converted, whoever's left - Hindu grandmothers, West African schoolboys - will take up the victim slack. And then the diversity will be over, and a new homogeneity will reign.

Because it is not normal for human societies to live like this.

Just to be boringly technocratic about it, unbounded mass migration places huge strains on resources and infrastructure in schools, hospitals, accommodations - in Penny Mordaunt's new England, it means thirtysomethings still living with their parents because they've been priced out of the housing market, etc. But eventually it makes even the very concept of society impossible: how does one adjust one's "norms" to persons from every corner of the earth? what social trust is possible? what would equip one to sense, in the shopping centre or at the bus stop, when yet another "isolated incident" is about to happen?

As I laid out almost twenty years ago now, western Europe is on course to become semi-Islamic in its cultural character - and very quickly. The United States, if it's any consolation, will be more like a giant Latin-American favela. But look at the winning candidate in Gipton and Harehills; he is celebrating his victory not only over the opposition but over your dying country's "norms":

Is he following the Penny Mordaunt guide for political candidates? And what's more likely? That in ten years' time there will be more electoral districts like Gipton & Harehills? Or fewer?

So, under the political "norms" favoured by Ms Mordaunt, it's okay for victorious candidates to shout "Allahu Akbar!" but totally not okay for you to notice it.


Anonymous said...

That's the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth.But it's Illegal to speak "the truth",so off with Mr.Steyn's head.

THAT'S the norm of the future--not "Norm" from "Cheers"--of our past.


Anonymous said...

Any time you get two different groups trying to live together in the same place more or less the same thing. Discord and discontent. Just a fact of life. That is why the current world is organized around the nation-state system. Each nationality has been give their share of land space they call their own, to live as they please.