Friday, May 24, 2024

Learning the hard way: A White, American couple decided to go as missionaries to haiti, to help the black people

“The old Mizzou, is a mighty water…” By Jerry PDX friday, may 24, 2024 at 11:44:00 p.m. edt Does it even need to be said? The pure stupidity of trying to help the negro. He will never be grateful, he will never stop hating you and he will turn on you at the first opportunity. Two American missionaries, one the daughter of an American politician, have found out the hard way: “married American missionaries who were serving full-time in haiti were killed on may 23, family members confirmed. the couple, who were attacked by gangs, included the daughter of a missouri state representative.” “David (Davy) Lloyd III and his wife Natalie, who is the daughter of missouri state rep. Ben Baker, were fatally shot along with a third person after being ambushed by a local gang in haiti. the couple worked for missions in haiti inc., a missionary organization operated by Lloyd’s parents. The details on exactly what happened are still scant, most information seems to have come from a facebook post I cut and pasted below. They wrote that Davy was taken into a house and beaten but didn’t say what happened to Natalie before they shot her. Let me guess, what they did to her starts with an r and ends with an e. These are negroes, after all, they are unlikely to pass up a chance to gang rape a pretty White woman before they execute her. But because it involves black men and the rape of a White woman, the media will do it’s best to downplay or ignore any sexual violence. From the facebook posting: “urgent prayer needed. Sam and I came to the states yesterday since the airport opened back up. this evening when Davy, Natalie and the kids were coming out of youth at the church they were ambushed by a gang of 3 trucks full of guys. Davy was taken to the house tied up and beat. the gang then took our trucks and loaded everything up they wanted and left. another gang came after to see what was going on and if they could help, so they say. no one understood what they were doing, not sure what took place but one was shot and killed and now this gang went into full attack mode. Davy, Natalie and Jude was in my house at the end of the property using the star link internet to call me. so they are holed up in there, the gangs has shot all the windows out of the house and continue to shoot. their lives are in danger. I have been trying all my contacts to get a police armored car there to evacuate them out to safety but can't get anyone to do. I also am trying to negotiate with the gang so how much $ to stand down and let them leave and get to safety. PLEASE PRAY- Going to be a long night. The phones have all died I can’t get a hold of anybody for the past several hours now to know what was going on”


Anonymous said...

The phones aren't the only things that will be dying.

You don't need to go to Haiti to be raped and murdered by blacks.Save some money,stop in Chicago,Baltimore,New York--or the Grand rapids ghetto after dark.You'll be surprised, "church people",how you'll be treated to a barbeque--of YOU--after the gang rapes and slaughters of you and your family.


Anonymous said...

All white people [the few that remain] need to leave that place Haiti and never look back. For your own good and your life you need to do so and do so now.

I can imagine that already several well-intentioned well-meaning good Christian persons have volunteered to replace the now deceased. Please do not go there to Haiti. I beg you. Seriously I implore!

Anonymous said...

File under: "Sad But Predictable News--What Happens When You Sit On a Hot Stove"

These young innocents had no idea how dangerous it is to be in Haiti. I don't think that they knowingly signed up for martyrdom.

Weren't they familiar with the phrase "missionary stew"? Did the name Michael Rockefeller mean nothing to them?--an anthropologist, not a missionary, to be sure, but still in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The elders who guided them on this path share the blame for their deaths.

Bradley Morris said...

The stupidity and naivete of white American liberals never ceases to amaze me. These idiots will willingly venture into situations fraught with danger, to reassure themselves what good fucking people they are. They willingly become statistics. What they don't realize is how precarious they make it for other people. Their altruistic largess has exactly the opposite effect they intended. It doesn't create goodwill and gratitude, it foments jealousy and resentment towards Americans.

Anonymous said...

Whites going to these uncivilized countries is like chum being thrown into the ocean for sharks.