Monday, May 20, 2024

How did the communists win in America?

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
monday, may 20, 2024 at 10:12:00 p.m. edt

It’s easy to make excuses for allowing communism to place its shadow over the country. Maybe it was inevitable, as an agriculture based economy transitioned to a manufacturing and then a technological economy. Cities changed from White to black, intelligence became more important than manual labor in the economy. Whites, though more intelligent than blacks, lost their focus in protecting what they had built for decades.

And now only a civil war can reverse the damage.


N.S.: I blame republicans. Over and over again, they have had the opportunity to stop communism in its tracks, but either were cowards, or actively aided and abetted them.

Ike had a dual loyalty problem. He was loyal to the U.S. Constitution, sort of, and to the U.S. Army. Actually, Ike was loyal to the Army. When Sen. Joseph McCarthy was looking to expose the infiltration of reds in the Army Signal Corps, Eisenhower hid away essential documents McCarthy needed in the White House.

Then, in 1954, a republican senator, Ralph Flanders Pierce (Vt.) initiated the proposal to censure McCarthy that destroyed him. Pierce claimed that he acted as a “Christian.” What the hell kind of Christian is that?!

In 1964, republicans supported the U.S. Civil Rights Act which, in a conspiracy so immense, said one thing (no racial discrimination), but was seen by America’s ruling class/elites as a carte blanche to engage in egregious racist discrimination against qualified, fit Whites, and on behalf of unqualified, unfit blacks.

In 1974, the republicans submitted to, or supported the communist/cia/fbi conspiracy out of the offices of the washington post, that robbed President Richard Nixon out of the biggest landslide in American electoral history.

Until very recently, republicans never fought against anti-White discrimination, and while being completely dependent on White votes, have done bupkus for Whites.


Anonymous said...

Barry Goldwater was a strong anti-communist but got the hatchet job from the press that did him in for the Presidency.

AbolishTenure said...

re: N.S. "I blame republicans." YEP! Too timid to call for a Repeal-the-New-Deal and weed out the Commies in the 1950s... then too timid to call for a Repeal-the-Great-Society since the 1970s... too timid to Repeal-Obamunism, such as the Paul Ryan band of pretenders that always voted to repeal Obamacare as long as they knew there would be a veto and then balked when President Trump wanted to sign such a thing. Then even MTG and Thomas Massie jumped on the raise-the-debt-ceiling train to $35 Trillion and beyond.

Now it's just a matter of waiting for the dollar to collapse and then shadowy creditors will replace the gravy train with their financially realistic downsized version of the handouts and a dark gray Stalinism to match. Tax the rich, feed the poor, 'til there are no rich no more, turns out to be no middle class no more, but Oprah, Gates, and Bezos somehow came through unharmed.

"Gimme muh benefits!" no more. Those annual Earned Income Credit and Child Tax Credit jackpots, the SSI giveaways, the EBT cards magically reloading every month, the absurdly high Social Security payments, all the medical care freebies, the free school lunches, the maze of college subsidies and student loans, yes, every those untouchable veterans' benefits, all the stuff the Republicans are scared to touch, well, the laws of economics and a bunch of nameless bureaucrats are going to do what needs to be done and show you what heartless really looks like.

And yes, "I blame Republicans."

Anonymous said...

"Too timid,"or just in with them secretly?