Wednesday, May 22, 2024

"My interview with James Delingpole"

By Prince George's County Ex-Pat
saturday, may 18, 2024 at 11:53:36 a.m. edt

"My interview with James Delingpole"

She mentions chemtrails, as well.

Face it.

We paid our own governments to murder us.

Isn't that wild with "vaccines," and to poison us via chemtrails.

Why would anyone anywhere on the globe trust their own government ever again?

Sasha Latypova and James Delingpole from due diligence and art <> saturday, may 18, 2024 at 10:37:12 a.m. cdt

My interview with James Delingpole
"orientation for new readers - summary of most pertinent information from this substack. "all new posts are free. archive is available to paid subscribers. I am grateful to paid subscribes supporting countless hours of research, writing and advocacy.

"all artworks featured are mine, you can" visit my art website for further information. "new: art-only substack" "art without due diligence" is live now, subscribe separately if interested.

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Listen to episode

This is a substantial discussion covering many topics. James is an excellent interviewer, and has many interesting guests. Please check out his podcast by visiting his website:

James can be also found on Substack James Delingpole

We discussed materials familiar to my regular subscribers:

  • My background and the history of batch variability analysis

  • Motivations behind the covid crime and intentionality

  • All vaccines are poisons, including the so-called traditional ones, and you can recognize vaccine injured in every family that you know

  • What happens when people "wake up"?

  • What happens when an empire collapses? (my experience with the Soviet Union collapse).

  • Do pandemics exist? I provided explanations about several popular notions of historical "pandemics". They were not pandemics.

  • At ~56 min I provide the explanation that nucleic acid sequences exist and are detectable, but virology is a fake science as it does not follow a scientific method.

  • We discussed covid murder protocols in hospitals, and that the cause of death from "covid" is murder, which is different from some people being ill from likely poisoning with synthetic toxins.

  • At 1 h13m I explain that it is not possible to make viruses in the lab, and that pandemics or epidemics cannot be started by "CBRN viruses leaking from labs" (I will publish more detailed review of Baric's work in the next few weeks).

  • Chemtrailing - yes this is out of control. I since then visited the UK and the Netherlands, the skies in both places were constantly gridded, milky white haze hung solidly throughout my 2 week trip. This is a photo I took on landing in London, and you can see the gridding going on in the distance, and larger spray lines closer up:

We discussed other topics and even got into the Ancient Greek history for a bit.

Art for today: watercolor sketch from London parks.


Anonymous said...

Chem-trails?Sprayed into clouds,combined with Covid virus to rain down into our water supply?

Why not.

The government has the same attitude with it's citizens that blacks do,to show they love someone:

They kill them.

I'm joking--about the government "loves us".


Anonymous said...

"the house had a ring camera, yet that it had not picked up the neo-nazis"

Invisible NAZI storm troopers using high level NAZI technology from WW2. I know about things like this.

South African Genocide Count

South African Genocide Count


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I am a dissident journalist, whose work has been published in dozens of daily newspapers, magazines, and journals in English, German, and Swedish, under my own name and many pseudonyms. While living in internal exile in New York, where I am whitelisted, I maintain NSU/The Wyatt Earp Journalism Bureau and some eight other blogs (some are distinctive but occasional venues, while others are mirrors), and also write for stout-hearted men such as Peter Brimelow and Jared Taylor. Please hit the “Donate” button on your way out. Thanks, in advance. Follow my tweets at @NicholasStix.