Sunday, May 12, 2024

faceless, raceless, nameless "man charged for flipping port-a-potty with woman and child inside"

By R.C.
sunday, may 12, 2024 at 06:32:59 p.m. edt

"bystanders who had seen the incident go down helped overturn the toilet, freeing the woman and child, who were reportedly covered in feces and bodily fluids, police reported."

Unlike this one, the port-a-potty that was used in the crime was not chained to any poles


Anonymous said...

A crappy prank by who...a blackie?Lock him up in it and do the same,though he might like it.

---G R A

Anonymous said...

Child abuse by the bad guy. 3X the normal punishment.

Anonymous said...

18 year old white guy did it.

Anonymous said...

Alternate headline: "Mexican Space Shuttle crashes on take-off"