Friday, May 24, 2024

black supremacists celebrate what would have been the 28th birthday of racist, failed, would-be cop-killer, Mike Brown


Anonymous said...

That's the media I know and detest.Where's HIS statue,so that birds flying overhead,can have a big target to drop poop bombs on.


Anonymous said...

Hands up, don't shoots ya'll. Yeah, pretty funny. Tried to kill a cop, that police officer having told Brown to stop walking in the middle of the street.

You really have to wonder about the mentality of such a person [Brown]. The first thought in mind of the man [Brown] is to kill anyone who says stop to him.

Bradley Morris said...

This speaks volumes as to the integrity (or lack thereof) of black society. It's also an indicator that civil rights had its intended effect a long time ago. Civil rights legislation was created to justifiably level the playing field at a time when real black heroes like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks were being murdered and persecuted. That blacks have to elevate thugs and criminals like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to martyr status, clearly and deliberately ignoring any and all evidence of what they were and what they did (even in Brown's case when it's captured on fucking store surveillance tape), in effect inventing persecution because none exists any more, tells you that all their whining is now just cynical manipulation.

Anonymous said...

Yet a search for "street named after michael brown" comes up empty.

But hey, Grand Rapids Anonymous, I did see lots of stories that G.R. named a street after native daughter Breonna Taylor. Way to go!

Just 25 days until Juneteenth, oh, the anticipation.

Anonymous said...

In downtown Grand Rapids no less.


Anonymous said...

"That blacks have to elevate thugs and criminals like Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin to martyr status,"

Across the board too. All the "martyrs" just thugs and bad guys. And in a period of ten years about a half dozen to a dozen of them and no more. Hardly O-pression.

And almost without exception death due to bad behavior of a silly and idiotic nature. Like with the Brown boy or the Floyd boy.