Saturday, May 25, 2024

bLACK-on-White animal death in grand rapids: how to use a pit bull to kill and terrorize an otherwise White neighborhood, without being prosecuted

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
saturday, may 25, 2024 at 3:12:00 p.m. edt

‘Massacre’: No quarantine for (black-owned) pit bull mix that killed (White-owned) shih tzu

GRA: A gigantic pitbull, owned by a black, living in a [yet] good part of Grand Rapids (how?) attacked and shredded a White family’s tiny shiz tzu on may 6th. The pit-bull owner, an Aric Coleman, who admitted to letting the dog run free, received a $100 fine.

After the attack, the other totally White neighbors took pictures of Coleman’s mutt, running free again, after which police were called and another ticket written.

This lying black tried to put on an act and said, “This was a bad habit that we got into (letting the dog run free) and we’re sorry.”

I don’t believe it.

And I don’t see how Coleman could afford a house like the one seen in the news video.

Something stinks in nigville (Grand Rapids).



Anonymous said...

That is more common than you think. Besides kill humans the pit bull kills a lot of other dogs too. Just too dangerous an animal. Different mixed breeds with pit bull admixture dangerous too.

Maybe "Willie" the negro owner will have the pit bull go after him one day. It does happen.

Anonymous said...

Coal-man likes the bad assed dog. Coal-man too I suspect thinks he is bad assed too.

Anonymous said...

I suspect this goes on all over the country wherever low class people and their pit bulls occur. I remember people telling me how owners released pit bulls to attack other dogs in New Mexico. I hear that pushing the trigger on a stun gun produces a crackling sound which repels dogs without contact. Then there is pepper spray but I don't know how effective that really is--I've seen a video where dogs fighting were pepper sprayed and it didn't stop them. Nine millimeter prevention probably is your best bet if you really want to protect your beloved dog (and yourself) from pit bulls.