Wednesday, May 22, 2024

a couple of veteran career criminals allegedly shot a D.C. police captain in his personal vehicle on monday, on the way to work in prince George's county; it may have been a hit

By "W"

What a poor excuse for the capital of the "Free World" BS. Cop shot on his way to work. I am not sure that I have a lot of confidence in the all-female collective of prosecutors handling the toughest cases. I doubt that amish youth are responsible for all the ugly graffiti that will take them 2 months to clean up.

"the prince George’s county police department (pGpd) charged both suspects with two firearms offenses. They are in the custody of the prince George’s county department of corrections."

N.S.: How about attempted murder?!

Walker and Thorne were driving erratically right in front of the targeted cop, just before shooting him. That doesn't sound coincidental to my virgin ears.

William Walker, l, and Rasheed Thorne, both 21, are alleged, would-be cop-killers; they were nabbed the same day as the shooting of the d.c. police captain


Anonymous said...

Every day,blacks target cops,shoot cops,kill cops.

I'd love to see cops walk up behind black scum,sitting in a car and wasting a few of THEM.

The hits on cops might just stop.


Anonymous said...

YEP. Sounds like a set-up to me.