Monday, October 31, 2022

Curiouser and Curiouser: "EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi home is surrounded by cctv cameras and security detail - unlikely anyone could break in unnoticed"

By R.C.
sun, oct 30, 2022 11:44 p.m.

EXCLUSIVE: Pelosi home is surrounded by cctv cameras and security detail - unlikely anyone could break in unnoticed

But we knew this already.

That area of san francisco is a target-rich environment, as it is obscenely affluent.


Anonymous said...

That was my thought. Security, camera, lit, etc. Not like the rest of us. The man did not break into the house. Evidently was invited? And a third person present too? This does not add up.

Anonymous said...

Again, sounds like a very queer story.

Anonymous said...

Now the retelling of the story begins--the way Nancy Pelosi wants it told.


Anonymous said...

Lesta Holt,nnn,GIVE THE NARRATIVE OF PELOSI INCIDENT;DEPAPE CHARGED WITH ATTEMPTED MURDER(he wanted to tie up Nancy and break her knees)

GRA:black police chief William Scott said,"there's no indication David DePape knew Paul Pelosi.DePape's goal was to kidnap Pelosi's wife and "talk to her"--and if she didn't cooperate,he would "break her knees," he said.

Holt mentioned it was a political act,though DePape is a liberal/commie supporter of BLM and gays.

The entire report was a little different(sarcasm) narrative than what we've heard.

If it was a gay liason,they'll never admit it now.
Holt's report seemed rushed--as if it needed to be aired quickly--and set aside.


Anonymous said...

Funny ZH comment:
So, this is the second time Paul Pelosi has been in the news for getting hammered.


Anonymous said...

I guess the "intruder" had clothes on when he entered the Pelosi residence. It gets cold and damp San Fran this time of year. Night can be miserable for a naked person.