Saturday, July 23, 2022

Sandy Cortez ("aoc") admits disturbing details behind staged arrest...

By R.C.
Sat, Jul 23, 2022 10:39 p.m.

"aoc admits disturbing details behind staged arrest: Soros-funded, dark-money group coordinated stunt"

N.S.: "it was all pretty much part of a staged arrest." Well, was it or wasn't it? If it was, you say, "It was all part of a staged arrest." "Part of" is qualifier enough.

If it wasn't, you don't talk at all about "a staged arrest."

Don't make strong, declarative statements, if you're just going to qualify them to death.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stupid stunts by the left are a very popular. They used to call it "guerrilla theater" during the turbulent Sixties. Act out a role for consumption of the cameras to be in the newspapers and on the evening news.