Sunday, May 01, 2022

weather underground terrorist and bank-robber Kathy Boudin, mother of criminal San Francisco da Chesa Boudin, dies at age 78

By R.C.
Sun, May 1, 2022 11:44 p.m.

weather underground terrorist and bank-robber Kathy Boudin, mother of criminal San Francisco da Chesa Boudin, dies at age 78


Anonymous said...

"Kathy Boudin was released from prison in 2003 and went on to earn her doctoral degree and become a Columbia University professor of social work who focused on criminal justice reform."

GRA:There's no way--in any sane society--that this nig*er embracing,communist c*nt,should have been released from prison--to be able to go to school and push her commie/pro-black agenda.

23 years is not enough for her participation in the murders of a bank security guard and 2 cops.


Anonymous said...

Criminal justice reform in my vision of things would be locking most of these criminals away forever. And if the sentence the death penalty, then get Old Sparky busy overtime.