Sunday, May 01, 2022

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has 42 days to respond to Officer Derek Chauvin’s Brief for a New Trial over the Death of George Floyd

[“Officer Derek Chauvin Wants New Trial over the Death of George Floyd.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Thursday, April 28, 2022 at 3:40:00 P.M. EDT

(ap) Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison has 45 days to respond to Chauvin’s brief.

GRA: Guess what the ni--er will say. Then there’s THIS little tidbit from ap:

The appeal came as the minnesota department of human rights released the results of a nearly two-year investigation launched after Floyd’s slaying. It found the minneapolis police department has engaged in a pattern of race discrimination for at least a decade, including stopping and arresting black people at a higher rate than White people, using force more often on people of color and maintaining a culture where racist language is tolerated.

GRA: But blacks are so law abiding and compliant—I don’t understand! How can the mdohr release these findings without listing any explanation WHY all of this occurs? And it’s accepted by ap, nbc, etc. and reported as Gospel.

Those poor black martyrs—dindunuttin' to deserve all dis.



Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
Blacks responsible for 50% of shooting murders in US, commit violent offenses at 2-3 times the rate of Whites per capita. commit 90% of racist hate crimes (other data is from FBI/DOJ stats, that last one is my opinion based on personal observation). Then they wonder why cops stop them at a higher rate than flash, it's because they commit crime at a higher rate than Whites. How hard is that for them to grasp? A while back our local police chief (middle aged White guy appointed with correct ideology to appease Woke zealots) was on TV being interviewed and he was "apologizing" for "racial profiling" in traffic stops. During his "apology" he kind of passingly stated that blacks do commit half the murders in the city and more crime in general but then quickly shifted back into apology mode. If I was there, I would have said: If they commit more crime the wouldn't it therefore follow they would draw more police attention on average? So what do you have to apologize for?

Anonymous said...

"So what do you have to apologize for?"



1. Stop apologizing. 2. Just say NO to them. 3. Turn your back on them and say go to hell.