Friday, May 13, 2022

"trust the science": scientists vs. society [brief]

By An Old Friend
Mon, May 9, 2022 5:24 p.m.

Steve Hayward on scientists vs. society [brief]

A useful preface for what's below was provided in 2017 by Megan McArdle, writing in bloomberg:

[C]elebrities are stupid about policy, often breathtakingly so. On the other hand, so is everyone else. You want to hear some really stupid ideas about policy? Grab a group of whip-smart financial wizards, or neurosurgeons, or nuclear physicists, and sit them down for a nice dinner to debate some policy outside their profession. You will find that they are pretty much just as stupid as anyone else, because policy is not about smart. I mean, smart helps. But policy is fundamentally about domain knowledge, and that knowledge is acquired only by spending a great deal of time thinking about a pretty small set of problems. Funnily enough, this is also how one gets good at finance, or neurosurgery, or nuclear physics.

Smart people are often stupidly unhumble ...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't argue with Winegard's very elementary list of suggestions. It's EASY to accomplish--except for the God complex--scientists and doctors have.