Tuesday, May 17, 2022

tranny insanity is beginning to permeate immigration laws

By Jerry PDX
Monday, May 16, 2022 at 11:59:00 P.M. EDT


From the article:

“According to an ‘Equality Impact Statement’ published by the Home Office on Wednesday, those who claim to be ‘transgender’ — and especially those who claim to be ‘transgender women’ — may be deemed ineligible to be sent to Rwanda under a new scheme aimed at discouraging would-be migrants from illegally crossing the English Channel.

That’s an odd statement. Why does it end by saying a “scheme aimed at discouraging would be migrants from illegally crossing”? That new rule would encourage more migrants, especially ones with sexual psychosis. Not even to mention the men who will pretend to be transgender.

Now, not only will they get placed in school with your daughters, but they can pose as female and get access to them in school bathrooms!

Not too long ago I sent an article about how in Belgium age testing has revealed that 70% of “migrant” men claiming to be children are actually adult men:


If this new policy is implemented in Europe, then the US, just wait til it spreads online, tipping off millions of would-be alien invader turd world men. Wrap your mind around just how many more African, Muslim, and Paki men could potentially be placed in school with your children, all with the full approval of White woke liberals who will fight for their right to rape our daughters.

The first article reveals the pure lunacy of European immigration policy and I could go on for pages critiquing it but don’t have the space here. Read it yourself, if you dare.


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A little more on those "child migrants": https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-42234585

Note the photo in the article. Even with their backs to the camera all these supposed "child migrants" appear to be adult sized males.

Sweden tested close to 8,000 migrants and discovered 6,600 were overage. This is close to the percentage of age fraudulent migrants in Belgium. The article did state that they only tested migrants that they had doubts about so it's not 70% of all migrants. However, I have to wonder what criteria they use to question a migrants age, certainly there are ones that are obviously children but maybe they only doubt ones that are obviously adult men, so what about the ones who are more ambiguous? I don't know, I'm not there but I wouldn't be surprise if many of these adult men posing as fraudulent children get through due to a PC fear that they might send actual children back to their home countries. So it's OK to endanger children in the 1st world because underage male migrants might be endangered if we send them home? That's Woke ideology for you.

There are those that say age testing of migrants is "unethical": https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5228655/German-doctors-say-age-testing-migrants-unethical.html
This article appeared after an Afghani posing as a 15 yr. old stabbed a 15 yr. old German girl to death. She was his girlfriend, a relationship that was "OK" because he was also supposedly 15 yrs. old.

This doctor, a female named Eithne Nightingale (her real name?) says there is "no justification" for age testing migrants. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/oct/29/theres-no-justification-for-age-testing-migrant-children

Anonymous said...

I think in Rwanda they execute gays.