Thursday, April 28, 2022

"Goya Foods CEO Warns Everyone: 'We're on the Precipice of a Global Food Crisis'" 🚨

By R.C.
Thu, Apr 28, 2022 7:20 p.m.

"Goya Foods CEO Warns Everyone: 'We're on the Precipice of a Global Food Crisis' 🚨


Anonymous said...

jerry pdx
A crisis in the networked food production and distribution system, not a "food crisis". There's enough arable land in people's yards, parks and golf courses in major cities to feed everybody if they were converted into food production. But that's what happens when people turn their back on self sufficiency and put total faith in the import/export agribusiness.

Anonymous said...

Subtle hint:Food prices going up.COLAs going up,deficit going up,Social Security becoming insolvent sooner(next year?)Unless,that is,the Fed unleashes tightening so severe,the country falls into a "Greater Depression"--more destructive than the 30s--but because no one will be able to buy anything(there-like be no jobs)we'll have deflation instead.

The Dems want this--the implosion of our country.They might just get it much sooner than 2024.


Anonymous said...

Lots of people USA need to lose a lot of weight anyhow.

No such thing as shortage of food. Just getting it to folks is the problem most of the time.