Friday, September 03, 2021

Woman Pulls Gun on Burger King Staff after Wrong Drink Order: York Co. Sheriff

By R.C.
Wed, Sep 1, 2021 4:33 p.m.

Woman Pulls Gun on Burger King Staff after Wrong Drink Order: York Co. Sheriff

R.C.: Knew she was black before I saw the photo.

Only blacks eat at Burger King.


eahilf said...

>Only blacks eat at Burger King.

Actually when I used to hit lowbrow hamburger joints I preferred BK to McDs -- I also preferred Jack-in-the-Box to McDs.

Anonymous said...

I went to (White)BK today--the price of 3 Whopper Jr's,2 small fries and a milk shake--$16.65.

Used to be $11.00.

The window person said prices just went up this week--"Thank Biden,"she said.

I replied with something I won't write--and a finger signal--directed to Biden.