Friday, September 10, 2021

The White House and DHS are Supporting the Afghan Child Bride Business with One Lie Crazier than the Next

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 9:41:00 P.M. EDT

Check out how “US Officials” try to mitigate culturally approved Islamic child abuse. Below is an excerpt from this breitbart article:

From the article:

“Forced or coerced ‘marriages’ are indicative of the level of desperation Afghan families are willing to consider helping loved ones escape the Taliban and qualify for evacuation to Western countries,” the report asserted.

“The concern is, we’re seeing a lot of family units with very young girls. These girls are brought into the U.S. as wives. It’s not a small number,” an unnamed U.S. official told yahoo news, blaming the problem on poor screening of the refugees.

They’re blaming desperation to escape from the Taliban for “forced or coerced marriages” of 12-year-old girls to adult men?

Waitasecond here, how does a 60-year-old man bringing a 12 year-old child bride enhance his chances to get to the West? If a man is married he has a better chance of qualifying as a refugee? Are these men too stupid and/or ignorant to know it's illegal in the West?

None of this is explained.

Then they say the screening process is “poor” but if the screening process is identifying these child brides, sounds like it’s doing the job it’s supposed to be doing. How is that poor? Are they saying if the screening process was working, these couples wouldn’t get out of their country and into ours? So they’re gonna tell Abdul to take his 12-year-old wife back to Afghanistan and continue to sexually abuse her? Or would they separate them and allow the girl entrance and send the male back? The second one seems like a reasonable policy. I’m not going to argue about saving a little girl from a pedophile but I have a hunch that they’ll make excuses for Abdul and allow him refugee status also.

So how about we just send the men back to get shot by the Taliban—they are child molesters after all—and give the girls refugee status. Something tells me that’s not going to happen. It doesn't fit into Woke ethos.

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